*** NEW***


My name is Steve Keeler, I'm the pastor at the Grace Bible Chapel. We are an independent, self governing, non-denominational church. 

We are Bible-believing Christians with only one agenda:
We desire to grow in our love relationship with Jesus Christ through:
   Showing our love for Him by striving to be what He would have us be
   God honoring Biblically sound worship
   Practical study of God's Word
   Sharing the Gospel Message through our personal witness

The Lord states that the church exists in order to educate God's people in the knowledge of the His truth not the tradition of man. In Matthew 15:3, Jesus responded to the Pharisees when they asked why His disciples didn't follow their traditions this way, "... ‘Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?’" 

Grace Bible Chapel labors to present the truths of biblical Christianity and to promote spiritual growth until we all come to the saving knowledge of the Son of God. The goal is to equip every man, woman, and child with a foundation that stands solidly on the sixty-six books of God's infallible Word.